Planned Use of Reserves and Budget Narrative
Our primary focus in budget development is the responsible stewardship of IU’s resources. Each unit is accountable for how they allocate funds, and decisions should be guided by a continued spotlight on strengthening the student experience—including affordability—and investing in strategies that foster excellence in our core missions of teaching, research, and service.
The FY25 budget narrative:
• Should consider all funds (GF/DS/RF/AE).
• Should be submitted as a Word document.
• Should include responses to the topics below in the same order as listed.
Please include the following:
a. Overview your unit’s fiscal health
What strategic initiative(s) are planned for FY25 and reflected in your proposed operating budget? Will these initiatives require a significant use of reserves?
b. Planned investments that were removed due to financial constraints
Outline any concerns you have about being able to maintain a balanced budget and fund strategic priorities going forward?
c. Summary of financial impacts resulting from changes in operating revenue
Highlight any areas that are financially concerning? What are the primary drivers for those concerns (enrollment declines, operating expense growth, commitments, etc.)? What steps have been taken to mitigate financial pressures resulting from reductions in revenue and/or growth in expenses?
d. Enrollment Outlook (Academic Units)
Provide a summary of your unit’s enrollment outlook as reflected in the FY25 operating budget.
a. If growth is projected, identify the level of enrollment impacted (e.g., UG, GR, or professional).
b. IIf decreases are projected, identify the level of enrollment impacted (e.g., UG, GR, or professional). What are the plans to mitigate the decrease (decrease expenses) or increase future enrollment?
c. What are the primary factors contributing to these trends? Does online enrollment play a factor? If yes, what is its impact?
e. Utilization of Foundation Funds
An effort should be made to increase the utilization of foundation funds. Please outline budgeted and projected Foundation spend for FY25.
f. Compensation policy
Provide an overview of your unit’s implementation of the campus salary policy. Please include average percentage increases for faculty and staff. Please describe any increases or decreases in FTE for both faculty and staff expected for FY25.
g. Planned Uses of Reserves
Provide a list of your current FY24 Planned Uses of Reserves and FY25 Planned Uses of Reserves.