Campus Administrative Team Series (CATS) presentations can provide helpful information about pertinent finance or budgeting tasks at IU. Presentations are organized by date and feature-covered topics.
Note: Make sure you are connected to the IU network to be able to access the documents.
- Preparing for Calendar Year 2024 Effort Confirmation
We’ll discuss what is Effort Confirmation, what steps to take in preparation for the March confirmation period, what resources are available, and training dates.
—Tim Burris, Financial Compliance Manager and Rayna Amerine, Financial Compliance Analyst, Office of Research Administration - The Who, What, and Why of Internal Audit
What role does Internal Audit have at our university? Hear more about who we are, what we do, and why it matters. Learn how Audit supports IU’s goals by assessing risks, strengthening internal controls, and driving process improvements.
—Lisa Beymer, Assoc VP and Chief Audit Officer and
Marie Jackson, Associate Director-Operations Audits, Internal Audit - Purchasing in 2025
We will discuss the Feb 10 purchasing policy changes, review APO limit changes, new bid thresholds, compliance changes, and more. Plus a highlight on new training offerings to help you learn the deeper details.
—Angus Burke, Training & Communications Specialist, Financial Training & Communications
- Holiday 2024 Payroll Processing Plan
A note from the Bloomington Shared Services Team about our payroll statistics and the 2024 holiday schedule.
— Marika Voukidis, Manager of Shared Services, FAB - International Students and On-Campus Employment Limitations
Enhance your knowledge about hiring international students on campus, including what is allowed and not.
— Jenny Bowen, Dir., International Student Advising - Find the Source of Truth
Learn where to go for answers to purchasing, travel and finance-related questions.
— Sarah Chavez, Financial Training & Communications
October 9, 2024
- IU Foundation Fund Maximization
Updates on funds maximization initiatives and reporting involving IU Foundation accounts, including target spend, scholarship utilization, and new FEM reports.
— Alison Baum, Sr. Dir. Account Admin Services, IUF - IU Furniture Procurement
The appropriate way to procure furniture, advice for year-end purchases, and more.
— Michele Bucklin, University Interior Designer - Purchasing in 2025
Learn about bid, contract, and PO approval changes coming in 2025. This is a live presentation of the material covered in the Purchasing in 2025 online info sessions.
— Sarah Chavez, Financial Training & Communications
June 5, 2024
- IU Sponsorships for Community events
An overview of sponsorship at IU, planning, resources, and coordination of sponsorships activities.
— Michelle Willhoite, Office of the VP for University Relations - IU Foundation Updates (no slides)
- Procurement Year End Deadlines and Reminders
Fiscal Year 2024 ends on June 30 and it is mportant you become aware of upcoming deadlines and reminders for smooth year-end operations.
— Angus Burke, Financial Training and Communications
February 14, 2024
- EConfirm (ECC) Employee Compensation Compliance
A brief reminder of the timeline, best practices, training dates, and resource links.
— Rayna Amerine and Tim Burris, Office of Research Administration (ORA) - Accounts Payable
New Process for Invoices with PHI.
— Mary Byrde and Ali Piovesan, Accounts Payable - Supplier Data Management
A few updates re: SGSOs & Expired W8s.
— Tyler Nichols, Supplier Data Management - New Supplier Edit Request
In March the Supplier Edit Request Form in BUY.IU is getting a refresh. What’s changing along with helpful tips about completing the form will be discussed.
— Angus Burke, Financial Training & Communications, and Tyler Nichols, Supplier Data Management - Solar Eclipse 2024 - official website for solar eclipse events
IU Eclipse Briefing
— Doug Booher, AVP, Events and Conferences
December 13, 2023
- Corporate Sponsorships Overview
How the corporate sponsorships team can assist IU units seeking sponsorships by building mutually beneficial and impactful partnerships aligned with the university's mission and values.
— Tara Vickers, Corporate Sponsorships Director - Performance at IU: A Culture of Conversations
Performance at IU is a program designed to facilitate conversations about staff performance and development to set them up for success.
— Tiffany Lemons, HR Development - P-Card Essentials Update
There are less than 60 days until the P-Card training deadline! Sarah will share updates about the course and address frequently asked questions.
— Sarah Chavez, Financial Training & Communications - Travel Training Resource Rundown
With 2023 in the rearview mirror, Juliet will share new travel training resources published in the last quarter.
— Juliet Roberts, Financial Training & Communications
October 11, 2023
- Student Academic Appointment (SAA) Fee Remission Refresher and Accounting Fee Details for Bursar Transactions
Two great topics on how departments award SAAs and how to see account details.
— Dina Adkins and Amanda Srichareon, University Bursar - Student Success at Indiana University
An overview of the new Office of the Vice President for Student Success, information on what student success is, and their priorities within the IU 2030 framework.
— Julie Payne-Kirchmeier, Vice President for Student Success - Expediting a Supplier Payment
How to request for expedited payments.
— Ali Piovesan, Accounts Payable Manager
August 30, 2023
- Benefits in Hiring Work Study Students
Hiring work-study students allows you to serve students with financial need while saving you money in your Part-Time Student Employee Budget.
— Amy Hull and Monika Taylor, Office of Student Financial Assistance - Payments to Students and Financial Aid
Review common and uncommon questions in relation to Financial Aid and payments to students.
— Amy Hull and Monika Taylor, Office of Student Financial Assistance - Ready for Hire
New process for hiring employees.
— Tom McMahon, Talent Acquisition and IU Executive Recruiting - Chrome River Improvements and Non-employee Travel
Learn about new and updated Chrome River functionalities as well as a whole host of new non-employee travel resources.
— Juliet Roberts, Financial Training & Communications - P-Card Essentials Updates
P-Card Essentials launched in July. During this presentation, we’ll share reminders about who is required to complete the training, links to resources, and a future purchaser-focused course.
— Sarah Chavez, Financial Training & Communications
- Shared Services
Overview of the Bloomington Shared Services team, what our functions are, and how we serve the Bloomington campus.
— Marika Voukidis, Manager of Shared Services - Finance, Administration & Budget (FAB) - BUY.IU Receiving Reports
New reports in BUY.IU can help you identify orders that require a receipt to be processed.
— Mary Byrde, Director of Accounts Payable; Ali Piovesan, Manager of AP; and Derek Toschlog, Buy.IU System Analyst - RPA and Payments on FireForm
What you need to know.
— Matt Schaefer, Associate Director – Treasury - Procurement Year-End Deadlines & Reminders
A recap of deadlines related to fiscal year end 23 (FY23) orders, invoices, P-Card, and travel processing. Plus some quick reminders about the P-Card Essentials training launching July 3.
— Sarah Chavez, Manager - Financial Training & Communications
April 18, 2023
- Chrome River Standard Reports for Fiscal Officers
New reporting portal related to Chrome River
— Patty Cole, Travel Services - P-card Required Training - Updated 4/27/2023
P-Card training will be required starting in July. Learn about this requirement, the content the training will consist of, and who needs to complete it.
— Sarah Chavez, Financial Training & Communications - Tax ICQ (independent contractor questionnaire)
Classifying and paying independent contractors versus paying someone through payroll as an employee. Specific criteria stated by the independent contractor policy, as well as other factors Tax has to weigh when making this determination.
— Margot Burke, Andrea Bousman, and Jeffrey Martínez, University Tax - Microsoft Teams Calls
Teams is a collaboration platform that ties together multiple Microsoft applications and services in one location to facilitate communication and collaboration within and between units at Indiana University. You will learn about how to access telephony features through Microsoft Teams, how to start a video call with someone, how to schedule a Teams meeting, and so much more. 45-min presentation
— Beth Nolen, IT Training, UITS
February 14, 2023
- Sponsorship of Community Events
An overview of community event sponsorships & Buy.IU check requests.
— Kirsten Adams and Michelle Wilhoite, VP University Relations Office - Think Before You Click
To protect yourself and the IU community, it's critical you learn to recognize and report phishing emails.
—Tom Mason, Information Technology - KFS/HRMS Roles and Workflow
Best practices for approval roles and document routing in KFS (financial) and HRMS (personnel) systems.
—Chris Puckett, Finance, Administration & Budget - ePTO
Exempt staff PTO basics.
—David Duncan, HR Employee Relations - Purchasing and Travel Updates
Get to know Purchasing’s new Help Desk Consultants and learn about the changes coming to non-employee travel in Egencia.
—Sarah Chavez and Juliet Roberts, Financial Training & Communications
Bloomington Financial Conference
Note: Make sure you are connected to the IU network to be able to access the documents.
IUB Finance: Big Picture - Aimee Heeter
How’s My Health? Understanding the Importance of Financial Statements - Anna Jensen, Jennifer George
They Said Yes!... Yikes!! - Mike Fowler, Alexandra Burlingame
MythBusters. Demystify Fund Groups & Fiscal Myths - Aimee Heeter, Jill Gonyo
(no slides)
Sharing is Caring: Improve Efficiencies with a Shared Service - Susan Fleener, Mike Noth
Understanding Audit Before You Panic! - Anna Jensen, Lisa Beymer
An Exploration into the Jungle of Transactions and Reporting - Rhea Freeman, Jill Gonyo
Who’s Minding the House? Understanding the Importance of Delegates, Account Hierarchy, and Back-ups - Chris Puckett
Talk Data To Me - Sabrina Andrews, Linda Shepard
Reporting; Fun with Numbers - Henry Gabriel, John Hart, Susan Fleener
Thrive Where You Are: Action Steps for Reinvigorating Your Work Now - Caroline Dowd-Higgins (keynote speaker)
Getting Fluxxy: Thriving in the Midst of Continuous Change - Deb Dunbar
Re-focus on Employee Engagement and Wellbeing - Amy Batule
Managing Stress Amid Change - Samantha Schaefer
You Can’t Yoga Your Way Out of Burnout: Actions Steps for Career Wellness - Caroline Dowd-Higgins (keynote speaker)
IUHR Financial Planning - Sue Dukeman (no slides)