Political Activities and IU Resources


A letter from Michael Sample, Vice President for Government Relations and Jacqueline Simmons, Vice President and General Counsel:

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:

As we enter another political campaign season, it is important for all members of the Indiana University community to be aware of IU policies that govern the use of university resources with respect to political activities. As a state supported public university with a tax exempt status under sections 115 and 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, Indiana University may not participate or intervene in any political campaign and must prevent its resources from being used in any way that could appear to support a political campaign.

Indiana University takes this issue very seriously. In order to inform members of our faculty, staff and student body of the types of activities that are permitted and those that are restricted, we have developed a Guidelines for Political Campaign Invitations, Events, and Activities. Please review the Guidelines to help ensure that IU’s tax exempt status is protected and that we remain in compliance with our legal obligations.

It is important to note that these guidelines are in no way intended to preclude, limit or discourage political activity or advocacy that you might wish to undertake as an individual. You have every right to do so as a citizen and Indiana University fully supports that right. These guidelines are only meant to ensure that private political activity undertaken by members of the Indiana University community does not make use of public university resources in support of that activity.

We appreciate you giving this important matter your attention. Please direct any questions regarding these guidelines to gov@iu.edu.


Michael Sample
Vice President for Government Relations

Jacqueline Simmons
Vice President and General Counsel