IUIE - Indiana University Information Environment


The IUIE (Indiana University Information Environment) is a Web-based decision support application. Centrally maintained and enterprise-wide, the online reporting environment provides the university access to institutional data. The IUIE contains a collection of reports representing various application areas, such as SIS, KFS, and HRMS data. IUIE users submit reports to obtain relevant data.

In the IUIE one report object is created by functional developers and becomes available to all authorized IUIE users.

Information has been placed in the IUIE to facilitate the conduct of University business. Access to information in the IUIE for purposes other than the conduct of University business by persons authorized to access such information and conduct such business, will be handled in accordance with applicable law and University policies, including the Indiana Access to Public Records Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and rules for the protection of human research subjects.

There are two types of IUIE users:
a) Information Consumers are users who can execute reports that a Data manager has allowed them to access. Consumers have no publishing rights; this means that they will not be able to construct report objects, but will use reports created specifically for their departmental business needs by information providers
b) Information Providers
are technical developers who are responsible for creating and publishing report objects and establishing access groups to specific reports. Providers can be Data Managers, Data Stewards, or other power users intimately familiar with the data and subject matter.

See IUIE Report Names and Descriptions

You may access IUIE through OneIU(search ‘IUIE’ and make it your Favorite)

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