Critical Data


Critical data is a type of data that imposes significant risks, especially when mishandled, therefore:
Documents that have to be initiated or approved such as KFS documents, travel, purchasing and HRMS must be doubled checked to see whether or not they contain critical data.
No scanned copies of checks from non-IU sources should be kept, please dispose of them by shredding the document.
No Social Security Numbers (SSN) on supporting documentation or on the document as content.

Visit the following websites for further information:

See related CATS presentations below for more critical data examples, how to report it and to ensure that internal controls are in place.

REMINDER: The Personal Profile Form (ED) is used by all campuses for all hires. It states at the top of the form that it should be shredded after the HR eDoc has been approved.

Two Step Log In is required at every CAS authentication to prevent phishing scams and data breach for all employees and affiliates, including retirees, non-paid faculty, and student employees. See 2 Step Login Access CATS presentation below.

Useful Information:
Protect IU: General concepts about sensitive data
Adobe Acrobat Redaction Help
University Policies Website


CATS Presentation & Training