Before you submit an accountable mail request for delivery to another office, please be sure that office is open and accessible for business.
Pickup and Delivery to Your Department
IU financial policy Processing Revenue, FIN-TRE-120 defines the parameters for depositing funds. Deposits on the Bloomington Campus with the Bursar and IU Foundation are processed by Mail Services Accountable Mail courier.
Use the Accountable Mail service pick-up when sending checks, receipts and secure documents from one location to another (ex: Dept to Bursar, Dept to Dept for processing, Dept to IU Foundation, etc.).
No cash should be ent via accountable mail but if there is a case in which cash is handled IUPD picks up the cash:
Hand delivery by staff members is not an acceptable method for deposit as this does not create a paper trail for auditing purposes.
Per the request of the Office of the Treasury/University Budget Office, Mail Services has changed the accountable mailbags from “Currency” to “Confidential Document”.
Please order a new supply and return any unused “Currency” bags. Advise accountable mail users of the following:
- On the bag we only want to see “TO” and “FROM” portion written.
- For security reasons DO NOT write the “Contents” on the front of the bag.
The request procedures in place will remain the same.
Departments are required to complete the Accountable Mail Authorization Form to designate department contacts who will be responsible for Accountable Mail transactions. Please update the form annually or as often as needed when new staff members are added or removed in your organization. This will allow Mail Services to have the most current and up to date information for auditing purposes. The form can be requested at any time by sending an email to and can be sent thru campus mail addressed to:
Mail Services
2931 E 10th Street
Request Accountable Mail pick-up bags via email from
To send a request for deposit pickups go to Accountable Mail and click on Request an Accountable Mail Pick Up at the bottom.
For questions about Mail Services Accountable Mail please send an email to